Melvin’s family felt the love… thanks to you!

Melvin arrived at the FCC offices to begin working on himself through the New Behaviors Program. Nervous about being judged by yet another person for his past choices, Melvin was unsure what to expect when meeting with Julie, FCC Staff, to fulfill the requirements of the New Behaviors program. What he was not expecting was to be greeted with welcoming kindness and a warm smile, and to be treated with dignity and supported as a father. He certainly didn’t expect to be asked if he’d like to look at some toys and pick a couple out for his children for Christmas.

FCC works with the whole family to prevent and interrupt instances of intimate partner violence, understanding that each person must begin to work on themselves to effectively move toward long-term change and stability. The New Behaviors Program is a 26-week group-based program, working with those who have 

perpetrated IPV, and uses tools like mindfulness and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. The program aligns with Bowen Family Systems Theory to facilitate meaningful behavioral changes centered around the family unit and make positive shifts coinciding with healthy coping skills to navigate challenges, conflict, and negative thoughts. Learn more about New Behaviors.