Mission Vision Values


Our Mission

Working with individuals, families and communities to interrupt and prevent cycles of violence in relationships.

Our vision

Every home is safe, families are thriving and communities are strong.

Our values

Intentional, Motivated, Collaborative, Innovative

Strategic Plan

Heading into our fifth decade assisting families as they experience the impacts of conflict and violence in Baltimore County, the Family Crisis Center of Baltimore County (FCC) embarked on a strategic planning process to identify opportunities for growth and clearly define our role in making a greater, collective impact. Guided by Due East Partners (a growth strategy advisor), our planning process began by collecting critical input from key constituents –our board, staff and community, through surveys and interviews.

The Strategic Planning Committee participated in iterative planning sessions from April-September 2019 with significant input from FCC’s full Board and Staff.  The result is a broadly-owned Strategic Roadmap with a refined mission, vision and values along with four strategic priorities and aligned strategies and progress indicators for measuring FCC’s impact over the next three years.  This Plan ultimately defines three transformative goals that FCC will collaboratively work towards across sectors in order to prevent cycles of violence, strengthen our community and help individuals and families move boldly into the future.

Insert Strategic Roadmap here

FCC - Strategic Plan