Abuser Intervention Services (AIP)/New Behaviors Program

Help your kids soar and stop domestic violence.
Help your kids soar and stop domestic violence.

Abuser Intervention Services (AIP)/New Behaviors Program
Connect today 410-285-4357

New Behaviors is a program that offers group intervention for individuals who have been identified as using abusive behaviors in their intimate relationships. The program supports participants as they build new ways of thinking and doing that promote safety and wellbeing for the whole family.

New Behaviors aims to interrupt patterns of abuse, increasing capacities to navigate relationships effectively by equipping participants with the alternative skills and tools necessary to resolve conflict.

For 26 weeks, participants are engaged in weekly 90-minute sessions in addition to an initial, mid-point, and final assessment to evaluate progress.

New Behaviors Groups are open to men and women, at least 18 years old, who have used violent or abusive behaviors toward an intimate partner. Interested individuals can schedule an initial assessment to determine if the New Behaviors program is right for them.

For more information or to schedule an assessment, call 410-285-4357.

What Happens in Abuse Intervention?

The New Behaviors program helps you:

  1. Practice mindfulness
  2. Create distress tolerance
  3. Regulate emotions
  4. Improve relationships
  5. Set goals
  6. Identify priorities and values
  7. Develop shared language
  8. Understand abusive behaviors


Partner Contact

The New Behaviors program advocate reaches out to all partners identified by participants enrolled by letter and telephone in order to provide information about the program and services available to them including safety planning, counseling, and groups. If you are a victim or partner of a participant currently or previously enrolled in our program and would like to speak to an advocate, please contact us by calling 410-285-4357.

Abuse Intervention Works

A meta-analysis of 14 different studies on abuse intervention programs found that participants were about 3 times less likely to have DV recidivism and about 2.5 times less likely to have general offense recidivism, compared to non-treated control/comparison groups.

Citation: Cheng, S.-Y., Davis, M., Jonson-Reid, M., & Yaeger, L. (2021). Compared to What? A Meta-Analysis of Batterer Intervention Studies Using Nontreated Controls or Comparisons. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 22(3), 496–511. https://doi.org/10.1177/1524838019865927